High School

9th - 12th

We exist to be a student ministry that makes much of Jesus everyday to everyone!

Weekly Gatherings

High School Gathering | SUNDAYS AT 10:30am

High School students meet in the Student Center for a time of worship in song and then break out into groups.

For The Kingdom | WEDNESDAYS AT 6:30pm

High School Students gather at 6:30 PM for a time to hang out, play some games, and discover what God’s Word has in store for our lives.

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Current High School Sunday Series
Current High School Sunday Series

A 4-week series in the Identity Root that examines different characters in the Bible who had their name changed by God. More so than today, a person’s name in biblical times was an insight into who that person was. By changing their name, God signified to that person they now had a change in identity.

Have a question about High School Ministry?

Judy McClintock

Family Ministries Director

Austin Hovermale

High School Pastor

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