A Welcome From Our Lead Pastor
We exist to be the Church who makes much of Jesus everyday to everyone
2024 Annual Report

01. Focus
In a world full of distractions and divisions, perceptions and preferences, we want to be clear: the gospel matters most. We keep the gospel the main thing. As a result, we don’t feel the need to be experts on every topic, provide a solution to every problem, or have an opinion on every issue.
Instead, we give attention to one message and use our rhythms and spaces to amplify one person: Jesus. Put simply, we narrow our focus so we can deepen our impact.
We strive to build everything on the foundation of Scripture and Jesus’ finished work on the cross.
Only Jesus can unite.
Only Jesus can save.
Only Jesus can give hope to an otherwise hopeless world.

02. Belonging
We joyfully move toward others, because Jesus joyfully moves toward us.
Jesus’ Church is called to be hospitable. To notice. To choose to see. We believe that the Church is called to take a genuine interest in others, intentionally pursuing those who aren’t here yet. Everyone has a place and a purpose.
Whether in a weekend worship gathering, in conversations with our neighbors, or sharing meals in our homes, we announce to others that they are important to God by making space for them. We are committed to being a place where anyone is expected and everyone is seen.

03. Story
The first Christians were storytellers. They saw themselves in God’s larger story of restoration. When they gave a reason for their hope, they talked about what Jesus was doing in their lives – simply and authentically. We celebrate God’s incredible work.
We value story because we recognize that we are “already-not-yet” people. Story shows progress, rather than perfection. Story shows that we’re on our way, but we’re not there yet.
We vulnerably share God’s ongoing work in our lives, pointing to the One who is perfect and whose presence makes the greatest difference: Jesus.

04. Courage
We see our world’s biggest challenges as the Church’s greatest opportunities.
We believe the Church is called to step into hard conversations with courageous humility and remarkable compassion. We choose to see individuals over issues, and people over problems.
We choose to see individuals over issues, and people over problems. As a church, we try our best to represent Jesus by taking bold steps toward meaningful initiatives, choosing to live in the delicate tension between grace and truth. We try to do hard things well.

05. Movement
In a world marked by disconnection, loneliness, and alienation, God calls the Church to live differently.
We believe God wants people to be truly known in the context of community – people who know us, love us, and point us to Jesus. We move deeper into this community by pursuing kingdom purposes together, becoming a part of a movement that is bigger than any of us.
As the body of Christ, we recognize that an invitation to Jesus also includes a place to belong and a cause to join. Nothing builds disciples like community on mission.

06. Legacy
We give generously to others because God gave generously to us. As followers of Jesus, we eagerly give our time, our talents, and treasures to opportunities that are bigger than us, investing in people who will outlive us.
Generosity takes many forms – often deeper than dollars. We are also called to relational generosity, asking two questions: “Who is pouring into me?” and “Who am I pouring myself into?”
We give our lives to what outlives us. By being willing to grow and willing to give, we look past ourselves, intentionally stewarding a vibrant legacy of faith.
We keep the gospel the main thing.
We believe that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God” by which we understand that God providentially worked through the personalities of men by special revelation, dictation, dreams, wise thinking and documents without error in the words of the original autographs to record His authoritative revelation. This revelation extends equally and fully to all parts of the writings-historical, poetical, doctrinal and prophetical. (2 Timothy 3:16 & 17; 2 Peter 1:20 & 21)