1 Timothy Week One // May 26, 2024
Brannon Marshall   -  

The Book of 1 Timothy gives us insight into how the church cares for the vulnerable, makes a difference in a dark world, the way and posture in which we defend doctrine, and other guidance that Paul gave Timothy in this letter to a young leader of the church in Ephesus. As we study this letter of Paul to Timothy this summer, it will help us see how to live as the church in a dark world, what it means to be the church, and how to stay healthy as a church and believers one of another. Week One Pastor Brannon helps us see that while the letter of 1 Timothy is addressed to a pastor it is for the church as a whole – members one of another – who all have a part to play in the legacy of the faith. We must all answer three questions: Who are you? Who are you pouring yourself into? And what are you pouring (giving)?