1 Timothy Week Six // June 30, 2024
Brannon Marshall   -  

The Book of 1 Timothy gives us insight into how the church cares for the vulnerable, makes a difference in a dark world, the way and posture in which we defend doctrine, and other guidance that Paul gave Timothy in this letter to a young leader of the church in Ephesus. As we study this letter of Paul to Timothy this summer, it will help us see how to live as the church in a dark world, what it means to be the church, and how to stay healthy as a church and believers one of another. Week Six Pastor Brannon walks us through 1 Timothy 3:1-7 where Paul sets out the guidelines and qualifications for elders, those entrusted to nurture and care for Jesus’ church. Pastors do not own their church, they are entrusted by God to care for his sheep.