How long have you been a Christian, and how did you come to Christ?
In 1983 after attending a friend’s wedding with my girlfriend at the time, she told me that those who have given their lives to Jesus as personal savior can’t be unequally yoked to a marriage partner that hasn’t accepted Christ. I really only knew the “Christmas and Easter” Jesus at the time but wanted to know more. Later that year at a little church in Munroe Falls I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior, proposed to my girlfriend a few months later, and Linny and I have been equally yoked marriage partners ever since.
How long have you been at the North Canton Chapel, and what brought you here?
Linny and I were married at The Chapel in Akron and attended there for a couple of years after that. I had accepted a job in North Canton and so we moved to Hartville in early 1988. We heard that The Chapel had a new church plant that was meeting at the YMCA in North Canton. Easter Sunday, April 3, 1988 was our first Sunday at NCC with our 4-month old son – and we’ve been here ever since. Our daughter came along a couple of years later and the four of us have been so blessed by the incredibly deep and lasting friendships that will carry into eternity thanks to the saving grace of Jesus.
How has being an Elder shaped you, or allowed you to grow in your faith?
First, I’m so humbled to partner with fellow elders, staff and volunteers to share the amazing gospel of Jesus Christ through NCC. The weight that comes with being a guardian and protector of the good news of Jesus along with fellow elders, pastors and staff is very real and makes me realize that it is folly to try to live out our calling without desperately seeking God’s guidance through His Holy Spirit. God is faithful as long as we are continually pursuing His will for NCC and for our personal lives. It’s so exciting to be on a lifelong journey to learn more and more about the character of God by studying Scripture with fellow elders, sharing what I’ve learned with family and friends, and serving Him here at NCC and at home.
Tell us something interesting about yourself.
Linny and I love to travel and camp in our travel trailer and have a great time exploring God’s amazingly diverse creation. Besides travel, I enjoy fishing, working on cars, and recording voice overs for radio and TV commercials and documentaries.