How long have you been a Christian, and how did you come to Christ?
The church I attended for the first 35 years of my life was started in my great grandmother’s living room. I accepted Jesus as my Savior as a young boy more than 60 years ago.
How long have you been at the North Canton Chapel, and what brought you here?
My wife Mary and I have been attending NCC for 14 years. Jim College invited us during his time as interim pastor. He invited me to facilitate an overall plan for NCC and organize NCC Operations.
How has being an Elder shaped you, or allowed you to grow in your faith?
Serving alongside the other elders has deepened my faith. These godly men strengthen my resolve to be more Christ-like. I am humbled and blessed to serve as an Elder at NCC.
Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I met my wife-to-be Mary at church when she was 3 and I was 5. I waited a few years before asking her to marry me. I am an avid woodworker. My workshop is a “sanctuary” where I can pray & sing while I design & build stuff.