How long have you been a Christian, and how did you come to Christ?
I’ve been a Christian for as long as I can remember. Though I didn’t have a dramatic salvation moment, I am grateful that even as a young boy, I knew the saving grace of Jesus. And I am deeply thankful that God has continually nurtured my desire to know Him more and experience the presence of King Jesus in my life.
How long have you been at the North Canton Chapel, and what brought you here?
I’ve been part of this church family since 1997, when my parents brought me here as a 7th grader. I’m deeply grateful for how the Lord has used my North Canton Chapel family to nurture my love and devotion to Him, from my youth through to my journey as a husband and father.
How has being an Elder shaped you, or allowed you to grow in your faith?
Serving as an elder has brought immense joy into my life. The time spent delving into God’s word and building relationships with the amazing staff who serve our church has been a true blessing. I continue to marvel at God’s goodness in presenting us with challenges as a board, only to reveal His greatness by providing both the vision and the way forward. He truly is the one who gives us a lamp for our feet and a light for our path.
Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I love traveling with my family to experience the beauty of God’s creation firsthand. Recently, we spent three weeks covering 5,000 miles on a trip to Montana and back. We’ve also visited Guatemala together to witness the amazing work being done by the Schmidts and Educate BV.